Sunday, February 11, 2007

Determine the Encoding of an XML File: Method 1

In Visual Studio 2003, I needed a way to determine the encoding of an XML file. I found some information about reading the byte order mark (BOM) on a file, but I couldn't get it to work properly. The alternative approach below seems to be working. In this example, I needed the file to be UTF-8.
String encoding = DetectEncodingXml(); 
if(encoding.IndexOf("UTF-8") > -1)
/* This is what we want. Run the code. */
/* Display error message. */
private string DetectEncodingXml()
XmlTextReader xreader = new XmlTextReader(openFileDialog.FileName);
Encoding xreaderEnc = xreader.Encoding;
string xreaderEncString = xreaderEnc.EncodingName;
return xreaderEncString;
catch(Exception ex)
return " Encoding could not be detected. ";

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