Sunday, May 27, 2007

Accessing an IxiaDocument Object from Textml in ASP.NET

Here is just one way to access a Textml IxiaDocument object returned after doing a search.

Various parts of this are wrapped in try/catch blocks and defined in methods as is practical.
IxiaClientServices IxiaCS = new IxiaClientServices();
IxiaServerServices IxiaSS = IxiaCS.ConnectServer(textmlServer);
IxiaDocBaseServices IxiaDS = IxiaSS.ConnectDocBase(textmlDocbase);
IxiaSearchServices IxiaSearchS = IxiaDS.SearchServices;
IxiaQueryAnalyzer TextmlQueryAnalyzer = new IxiaQueryAnalyzer();
String queryEdited = TextmlQueryAnalyzer.GetXMLQueryString(queryWordsAll, "words");
String querySubmitted = textmlStandardHeader +
"<query VERSION=\"3.6\" RESULTSPACE=\"ALL\">" +
"<" + topLevelKey +">" +
textmlCollectionLae +
queryEdited +
"</" + topLevelKey + ">" +
textmlStandardSort +
// Several variables defined elsewhere.
IxiaResultSpace rs = IxiaSearchS.SearchDocuments(querySubmitted); 
// The query is parsed elsewhere
// This section would be part of a loop
IxiaDocument doc = rs.Item(i, "highlight");
// Hits marked with a span of the class "highlight"
MemoryStream xmlStream = new MemoryStream();
xmlStream.Position = 0;
XPathDocument textmlXmlDocument = new XPathDocument(xmlStream);
XslCompiledTransform textmlTransform = new XslCompiledTransform();
textmlTransform.Load(this.Server.MapPath("xsl/" + xslFile));
// xslFile defined elsewhere
StringWriter textmlWriter = new StringWriter();
XsltArgumentList textmlXslArg = new XsltArgumentList();
textmlXslArg.AddParam("documentLink", "", link); // XSL parameters
textmlTransform.Transform(textmlXmlDocument, textmlXslArg, textmlWriter);
divXml.InnerHtml = textmlWriter.ToString();

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