There are some ways to clean this up, but the general approach should be helpful in similar situations.
Here is the method that will return a list of all documents in a collection. This gives me the file name, which I use to get the individual documents.
private List<ListItem> SelectAllTextml()
List<ListItem> myList = new List<ListItem>();
string textmlStandardHeader = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-16\"?><query VERSION=\"3.6\" RESULTSPACE=\"RGuideAdmin\">\n";
string textmlStandardFooter = "</query>";
string textmlCollection = "<property NAME=\"collection\"><elem>" +
this.ContextAdditionalName + "</elem></property>";
string textmlFile = "<property NAME=\"NAME\"><elem><anystr/></elem></property>";
string textmlQuery = textmlStandardHeader + "<andkey>" +
textmlCollection +
textmlFile +
"</andkey>" + textmlStandardFooter;
IxiaClientServices IxiaCS = new IxiaClientServices();
IxiaServerServices IxiaSS = IxiaCS.ConnectServer(this.ContextServer);
IxiaDocBaseServices IxiaDS = IxiaSS.ConnectDocBase(this.ContextContainer);
IxiaSearchServices IxiaSearchS = IxiaDS.SearchServices;
IxiaResultSpace textmlResultSpace = IxiaSearchS.SearchDocuments(textmlQuery);
if (textmlResultSpace.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < textmlResultSpace.Count; i++)
ListItem documentItem = new ListItem();
IxiaDocument document;
document = textmlResultSpace.Item(i);
MemoryStream xmlStream = new MemoryStream();
xmlStream.Position = 0;
XPathDocument textmlXmlDocument = new XPathDocument(xmlStream);
XPathNavigator textmlXmlNav = textmlXmlDocument.CreateNavigator();
documentItem.Text =
textmlXmlNav.SelectSingleNode("descendant::title[1]").ToString() +
" (" + document.Collection + ")";
documentItem.Value =
GetAttribute("id", "");
return myList;
Here is the method that will return a document (or documents) by file name, limited to a collection.
private List<XmlDocument> SelectTextml(string fileName)
List<XmlDocument> myList = new List<XmlDocument>();
string textmlStandardHeader = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-16\"?><query VERSION=\"3.6\" RESULTSPACE=\"RGuideAdmin\">\n";
string textmlStandardFooter = "</query>";
string textmlCollection = "<property NAME=\"collection\"><elem>" +
this.ContextAdditionalName + "</elem></property>";
string textmlFile = "<property NAME=\"NAME\"><elem>" + fileName + "<anystr/></elem></property>";
string textmlQuery = textmlStandardHeader + "<andkey>" +
textmlCollection +
textmlFile +
"</andkey>" + textmlStandardFooter;
IxiaClientServices IxiaCS = new IxiaClientServices();
IxiaServerServices IxiaSS = IxiaCS.ConnectServer(this.ContextServer);
IxiaDocBaseServices IxiaDS = IxiaSS.ConnectDocBase(this.ContextContainer);
IxiaSearchServices IxiaSearchS = IxiaDS.SearchServices;
IxiaResultSpace textmlResultSpace = IxiaSearchS.SearchDocuments(textmlQuery);
if (textmlResultSpace.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < textmlResultSpace.Count; i++)
IxiaDocument document = textmlResultSpace.Item(i);
MemoryStream xmlStream = new MemoryStream();
xmlStream.Position = 0;
XmlDocument textmlXmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
return myList;
Here's the method I used to go through each document returned in the collection list and save each to an XML file.
myContentServer = new ContentServer(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/" +
ddlProduct.SelectedValue + ".xml"));
List<ListItem> myGuides = myContentServer.SelectAll();
if (myGuides.Count > 0)
if (Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath(exportDirectory + "/" +
// Delete the directory and anything existing in it.
Directory.Delete(Server.MapPath(exportDirectory + "/" +
ddlProduct.SelectedValue), true);
Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath(exportDirectory + "/" +
foreach (ListItem guide in myGuides)
List<XmlDocument> myGuide = myContentServer.Select(guide.Value);
XmlDocument document = myGuide[0];
// Save the file to the export directory.
document.Save(Server.MapPath(exportDirectory + "/" +
ddlProduct.SelectedValue + "/" + guide.Value + ".xml"));
divExportList.InnerHtml += "<br/>" + exportDirectory + "/" +
ddlProduct.SelectedValue + "/" + guide.Value + ".xml";
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